What Is Construction Dust: A Comprehensive Guide

Construction dust is a common byproduct of various construction activities, such as drilling, cutting, and sanding of materials. It poses potential health risks to workers and can also affect the surrounding environment. This article aims to provide a simple and easy-to-understand overview of construction dust, its sources, potential hazards, and preventive measures.

I. Understanding Construction Dust:

  • Definition: Construction dust refers to the fine particles and debris generated during construction, renovation, or demolition activities.
  • Sources of Construction Dust: Identify common sources such as drilling, cutting, grinding, sanding, and excavation.

II. Potential Hazards:

  • Health Risks: Explain the potential health hazards associated with construction dust, including respiratory issues, eye irritation, and long-term conditions like silicosis.
  • Environmental Impact: Discuss how construction dust can contribute to air and water pollution, affecting both humans and ecosystems.

III. Preventive Measures:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Emphasize the importance of using appropriate PPE, such as respiratory masks, goggles, gloves, and protective clothing.
  • Engineering Controls: Highlight the significance of implementing engineering controls like dust collection systems, wet methods, and proper ventilation to minimize dust generation.
  • Work
Dust can build up in the lungs and harm them gradually over time. The effects are often not immediately obvious. Unfortunately, by the time it is noticed the total damage done may already be serious and life changing. It may mean permanent disability and early death.

Can construction dust make you feel sick?

Very fine dust and fibres can be breathed deep into your lungs and cause breathing problems if you are sensitive to these dusts and fibres. Some renovation dusts and fibres are hazardous when they contain asbestos, respirable crystalline silica or lead.

How long does new construction dust last?

Usually, you can start to see the dust settling within 5 to 10 minutes; however, some dust particulars depending on size, can continue to fall weeks after cleaning.

Does construction dust stay in one room?

Dust generated indoors doesn't stay in the room where it was generated and can spread throughout the whole location unless sealed off. Often, if a room smells “like concrete” the dust can still be circulating in the air and still risking migration into the lungs.

How bad is breathing in construction dust?

Dust can build up in the lungs and harm them gradually over time. The effects are often not immediately obvious. Unfortunately, by the time it is noticed the total damage done may already be serious and life changing. It may mean permanent disability and early death.

What should you do when you are around construction sites?

Look all around for debris, which could fall from above or pose threats from below such as excavation holes. Watch out for uneven or slippery surfaces due to rain, mud or dust as well. It's also a good idea to take out any earbuds that you may be wearing to hear any potential warning cries.

What people are on a construction site?

The contractor's site-based staff will consist of some or all of the following personnel:
  • General foreman.
  • Site foreman.
  • Trade foreman.
  • Ganger.
  • Operatives.
  • Site engineer.
  • Site supervisor.
  • Planner.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the risks of living near construction sites?

Pollution from diesel construction equipment is taking a heavy toll on the health and economic well-being of California residents. This equipment contributes to particulate and ozone pollution that can cause severe cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses, asthma attacks, acute bronchitis, and even premature death.

What kind of safety gear do construction workers wear?

Chemical splash goggles. Respiratory protection. Fall protection equipment when working above 6 feet. Specific protective clothing such as welding leathers when welding or FR clothing when working with live electric.

Is the photo of the construction workers real?

Construction workers frequently re-create the 87-year-old photo. And every Labor Day, it is shared across social media, in tribute to those whose perspiration and determination built this country. Photo buffs know the truth behind the classic photo: It was staged. The men in the picture were real ironworkers.

How do you deal with construction dust?

There are a few simple steps you can take to ensure dust from construction work is cleaned up appropriately.
  1. Step 1: Ventilate the Room. A great way to start is to ventilate the room.
  2. Step 2: Rough Cleaning.
  3. Step 3: Deep Cleaning.
  4. Step 4: Touch-Up Clean.
  5. Step 5: Mop the Ceiling.
  6. Step 6: Mop the Walls.

What is the dust from nearby construction sites?

If you live near a construction site, here are actions you can take to breathe cleaner air. If you can see or smell poor air quality from the outside air it is important to close your doors and windows. Sealing the windows can also help to keep the tiny airborne dust particles from entering your home.

How do you get rid of fine dust after construction?

Use a microfiber cloth to capture the finer dust on more hard-to-reach places like bookshelves. Use a mop to tackle the affected floors. Be sure to use the appropriate cleaner for your flooring material.

How to clean air on a construction site

Aug 30, 2023 — Using air purifiers and scrubbers for construction dust. Air-cleaning machines such as air purifiers, air scrubbers and blowers are designed to 

What do you call construction dust?

This is a general term used to describe different dusts that you may find on a construction site. There are three main types: silica dust – created when working on silicacontaining materials like concrete, mortar and sandstone (also known as respirable crystalline silica or RCS);

What is dust used for in building?

Typically, quarry dust is small sand-sized particles and washed to be used as construction aggregate. Quarry dust has some advantages over river sand such as better contribution to the strength of the cementitious material, better workability, lesser cement consumption and eco-friendly.

What type of hazard is dust?

Exposure to dust can cause irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract, and prolonged exposure can lead to a range of serious lung diseases including silicosis, coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer.

How do you control dust in construction?

To control dust, one can use water which is seen as the most effective and excellent solution. Water should be applied a couple of times a day, depending on the atmospheric conditions. The quantity of water applied should be carefully managed to prevent excess water that can cause erosion problems.

What are the respiratory problems in construction workers?

Construction activities and materials expose workers to harmful hazards such as dust, silica, fumes, asbestos and these hazards are associated with a range of health problems ranging from mild respiratory symptoms to severe ones such as respiratory cancers and silicosis.

Is working in construction bad for your lungs?

Research showed that 28.6% of 18,145 participating construction workers developed RSP, which causes an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and lung cancer.

What is construction lung?

Silicosis. Silicosis is an irreversible lung disease that can take years to develop. Causes - Fine particles of respirable crystalline silica (RCS) cause damage and inflammation in the lungs. Over time, this leads to the formation of scar tissue (fibrosis), which shows up on chest X-rays.

Is it bad to breathe in construction dust?

Construction dust is not just a nuisance; it can seriously damage your health and some types can eventually even kill. Regularly breathing these dusts over a long time can therefore cause life-changing lung diseases.

Can construction work cause asthma?

Asthma triggers can be found at work, in the general environment, and at home. Cement, grout, lime, dust, diesel emissions, solvents, paint, epoxy resins, surface coatings, adhesives, welding fumes and shotcrete used in tunnel work.

What is a building exposure?

Buildings. Building exposure is defined as the dollar value of the buildings determined to be exposed to a hazard according to a hazard-specific methodology.

What is exposure in carpentry?

Exposed: The dwelling is open to the elements, possibly on all 4 sides with little shelter provided by other buildings or natural obstacles.

What are exposure categories?

Exposure category is based upon ground surface roughness, which is determined from the topography, vegetation, and existing structures.

What does exposure D mean?

Exposure D as defined in the WFCM is as follows: “Flat unobstructed areas exposed to wind flowing over open water for a distance of a least 1 mile. This exposure shall apply only to those buildings and other structures exposed to the wind coming from over the water.

What is an example of exposure?

If you place someone or something in an environment that causes them to experience something, you can call this exposure. Exposure to sun and rain will cause wood to turn gray. In school, you will be given exposure to the basic principles of math, science and language.

How do you fix a muddy construction site?


of either quicklime or hydrated lime, dries up wet soil quickly, so that it can be compacted readily, forming a working table that will resist further wetting as well--you can get back to work! hydrated lime are both highly effective in drying wet clay and silt soils.

How do you fix soil after construction?

How to fix compacted soils
  1. Amend your soil by adding organic matter, like compost. Decomposing organic matter helps build soil aggregates.
  2. Aerate the soil, which removes small plugs of soil to alleviate compaction and prevent thatch accumulation.
  3. Get planting!
  4. Not all weeds are bad!

How do you stabilize muddy ground?

Lime Stabilization – This is one of the most cost-effective stabilization options. Typically, 5% to 10% lime is spread and tilled into the soil to “firm” up the ground. The lime reacts with the water in the soil to produce cementitious compounds making the soil firm and water resistant.

Can construction vibration cause damage?

Construction vibrations are a known nuisance and can damage existing structures if they are not properly monitored and accounted for. As a proactive means to mitigate vibration damage claims, nearby buildings should be inspected prior to and after construction and monitored during construction.


What is construction site covering called?
Exterior construction cover-up (also known as hoarding) usually consists of vertical sheets of plywood or metal fencing erected around construction sites to prevent pedestrians from being injured and also to prevent site entry by unauthorized personnel.

What is used on a construction site?
Construction Machinery and Equipment

Besides training and equipment to prevent falls or harm due to contamination, regular machinery maintenance should be part of the safety plan. Heavy equipment such as cranes, excavators, backhoe, bulldozers, loaders, etc.

What item is required on all construction sites?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Construction
  • Protective gloves.
  • Hearing protection.
  • Full face shields when cutting, grinding, or chipping.
  • Chemical splash goggles.
  • Respiratory protection.
  • Fall protection equipment when working above 6 feet.
What is barrier around construction sites?

A barrier round a site is a visible warning for the public to keep out as there may be debris, trip hazards or unstable construction. There are a number of different types of safety barriers to suit different applications.

How harmful is construction dust?

Dust can build up in the lungs and harm them gradually over time. The effects are often not immediately obvious. Unfortunately, by the time it is noticed the total damage done may already be serious and life changing. It may mean permanent disability and early death.

Does OSHA take complaints seriously?

Cal/OSHA will decide how to respond based on the information in the complaint, including the description of the hazards. Generally, Cal/OSHA conducts onsite inspections for complaints of serious and imminent hazards.

Can construction work make you sick?

As far as environmental exposure goes, the high potential for lung conditions and cancer is probably among the most concerning health risks. The presence of vapors, gasses, dust, and fumes in general on building sites is a major cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) among construction workers.

Can you call OSHA on a company anonymously?

When you file a complaint with Cal/OSHA, the safety engineer or industrial hygienist who takes your complaint will ask you to describe the unsafe or unhealthy conditions you are reporting. When filing a complaint, you have the option to give your name or not.

What happens if you breathe in construction dust?

An otherwise healthy person may experience coughing, shortness of breath and mucus. The dust could also exacerbate underlying health conditions like allergies, asthma or cardiovascular disease, requiring treatment that could outlast the pointing work.

How do you remove construction dust from your lungs?
Cough and blow your nose to expel particles. If breathing difficulties persist, use a humidifier to help loosen the dust in your lungs. Stay hydrated and rest. Seek immediate medical attention if symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath continue.

What to do when you inhale too much dust?
If you have serious respiratory symptoms, please consult your doctor for medical advice.
  1. Take deep breaths and cough.
  2. Gargle with salt water.
  3. Use a humidifier.
  4. Rinse out your mouth and sinuses.
  5. Drink Warm Herbal Tea.
How do you get construction dust out of the air?

Air Circulation Opening windows and blowing air out the doors and windows with fans, both during construction and after, can help clear dust that is airborne and bring in fresh air. Dust particles can be rough on lungs, so removing dust that is floating around is beneficial.

Can I get sick from construction dust?

The Dangers of Respirable Crystalline Silica

These materials can travel deep into your lungs and cause silicosis, which is incurable and, on rare occasions, deadly. Respirable crystalline silica is also linked to lung cancer and other respiratory diseases.

Is renovation dust harmful?

One study shows that homes being remodeled have five to eight times the amount of particles in the air than homes that are not being remodeled. Remodeling dust – some of it so small you can't see – can damage your short-term and long-term health.

How do you deal with renovation dust?
10 Ways to Keep Dust Under Control While Remodeling
  1. Step 1: Budget for Dust Containment.
  2. Step 2: Utilize Plastic.
  3. Step 3: Strategize Your Demolition.
  4. Step 4: Utilize Your Windows.
  5. Step 5: Cover Heat & A/C Vents.
  6. Step 6: Create Single Entry/Exit Points.
  7. Step 7: Protect Your Floors.
  8. Step 8: Keep Your Boots On.
Can remodeling make you sick?

The Bottom Line. So many poison prevention stories are about children, but when it comes to home remodeling, adults are at risk, too. Children, adults, and pets can become sick if home renovations are not carried out carefully.

How long does construction dust stay in the air?

Because of its small particle size, it can stay in the air for up to 12 days. Sometimes, when we don't see dust, we might still smell it e.g. if a room smells “like concrete” cement can be circulating in the air.

What to do if building construction area mud distroys roads

Drying mud and leaving the construction site clean can prevent conflicts with angry neighbors. Keeps Surrounding Roads Safe. Dragging sludge onto the road 

What is the meaning of indoor use?

Indoor use means utilisation inside one building as well as similar places (train, aircraft), where the shading provides, in principle, the necessary attenuation allowing sharing the use of radio frequencies with other services. Sample 1.

What is the legal definition of indoors?

Sample 1. Indoor Area means all spaces within a building or structure and all other enclosed spaces, including temporary spaces, that are enclosed on all sides by permanent or temporary ceilings, walls, windows, doors or screens, and including sun porches and screen porches.

What defines a indoor space?

Indoor space means an area, room or premises that is, or are, substantially enclosed by a roof and walls, regardless of whether the roof or walls, or any part of the roof or walls, are permanent or temporary, or open or closed; and.

What is the meaning of indoor staff?

Indoor Staff means primarily clerical, technical, environmental, engineering, community, library, planning and administrative staff of the Council.

What is an example of indoors?

Into or inside a building: Come indoors, it's cold outside. Spring bulbs can be grown indoors. Our dog took fright at the noise of the fireworks and ran indoors.

What is the EPA definition of fugitive dust?

What is Fugitive Dust? The term “fugitive dust”, as used in this document, refers to particulate matter that enters the atmosphere without first. passing through a stack or duct designed to direct or control its flow. Fugitive dust has been linked to various respiratory.

What are dust particles called?

Particle pollution — also called particulate matter (PM) — is made up of particles (tiny pieces) of solids or liquids that are in the air. These particles may include: Dust. Dirt. Soot.

What is construction dust

What is the dust from a building site?

Typical dust from a construction site includes silica dust, which is created when working with materials that contain silica, including concrete and sandstone. Wood dust is another common type created by construction sites. When working with either hard or soft wood, dust particles can be released into the air.

What is fugitive dust emission?

EPA defines fugitive. dust as “particulate matter that is generated or emitted from open air operations (emissions that do not pass through a stack or a vent)”.

What is the difference between dust and fugitive dust?

Significant atmospheric dust arises from the mechanical disturbance of granular material exposed to the air. Dust generated from these open sources is termed "fugitive" because it is not discharged to the atmosphere in a confined flow stream.

What are the lung diseases in construction workers?

What are the risks? The most prevalent diseases in construction are asbestos-related diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, lung cancer and silicosis.

What is a lung disease caused by the workplace?

Occupational lung disease is a major cause of work-related ill health. It is as a result of exposure to hazardous workplace chemicals, dusts and fumes which result in a wide range of life-threatening or adversely life-changing conditions.

What chemicals cause lung disease?

Many chemicals can damage the lung in high concentration: these include oxides of nitrogen, ammonia, chlorine, oxides of sulfur, ozone, gasoline vapour, and benzene.

What respiratory disease risks are there in the construction industry?

The authors identified 16 respiratory health conditions common among construction workers, with the top 3 being cough, dyspnea, and asthma. They observed an increased risk of these health conditions associated with exposure to dust, respirable crystalline silica, fumes, vapors, asbestos fibers, and gases.

What diseases can you get from construction?

The most prevalent diseases in construction are asbestos-related diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, lung cancer and silicosis.

Is working construction bad for you?

Work-related injuries happen all the time. They can even happen in an office setting, although these tend to be mental injuries like depression and other emotional and mental stress-related injuries. As far as physical injuries go, it's no secret that construction is one of the most dangerous industries.

Is construction one of the hardest jobs?

Matt Zajechowski, a spokesman for CraftJack, said the firm did not look at project size and found no correlation between difficulty ranking and salary. Many studies have shown that construction is one of the most dangerous jobs and roofing is at the top of the list.

Are construction workers happier?

You won't find the happiest workers in the world toiling away at desks or crunching numbers — chances are, they're working outside. Construction workers have the highest levels of self-reported happiness of any major industry category, according to a new analysis by BambooHR.

Is construction a stressful job?

The construction industry is known for its high-pressure and fast-paced environment, which can cause stress, burnout, and even self-harming behaviors for workers.

Is construction hard on your body? Construction work has the reputation of being physically demanding and hard on your body. While some jobs in the building trades can be physically intense, there are many that don't require brute strength or really much strength at all. It's one of the biggest myths of construction work!

What should you do if you inhale construction dust?

If you suspect you've inhaled concrete dust, seek immediate medical attention. Doctors may recommend bronchial lavage to remove dust or prescribe medications to reduce inflammation. Always wear a mask when working with concrete and use wet methods to minimize dust. Prevention is crucial to protect lung health.

How do you get dust out of the air after construction?

Air Circulation Opening windows and blowing air out the doors and windows with fans, both during construction and after, can help clear dust that is airborne and bring in fresh air. Dust particles can be rough on lungs, so removing dust that is floating around is beneficial.

How toxic is construction dust?

The Dangers of Respirable Crystalline Silica

These materials can travel deep into your lungs and cause silicosis, which is incurable and, on rare occasions, deadly. Respirable crystalline silica is also linked to lung cancer and other respiratory diseases.

Is it safe to live next to a construction site?

Dust at a construction site can take many different forms, and the materials released into the air can be made of rock, wood, chemicals, and even metal, creating a potentially lethal dust that can spread for a very long distance.

What is the loudest part of construction? Shoring or foundation piers are among the loudest. Depending on what methods they used, I might say that it will not be worse than that. The rhythmic "PING" from the weight hitting a pier being driven into the ground is one of the most obnoxious noises have had to hear on a job site.

What time can construction start in residential areas California?

Permitted Construction/Demolition Hours are as follows: Monday through Friday 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. Saturday or National Holidays 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. To report a non-allowable working hour's noise complaint, contact The LAPD at 311 or click here.

What helps with construction dust?

Open the windows to get some fresh air and use fans or dehumidifiers to clear any lingering construction dust. It's important to do this step before cleaning with cleaning products as it will help to reduce airborne contaminants and protect you from inhaling harmful particles.

How do you treat dust inhalation?

Medications. If your efforts to reduce exposure to indoor dust don't provide adequate relief, your allergist may recommend a prescription or over-the-counter medication. Decongestants and antihistamines are the most common allergy medications. They help to reduce a stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing and itching.

How long do dust inhalation symptoms last?

The first symptoms may last only 12 hours, or they may continue for several days. If you inhale the allergens over and over, you may have these symptoms: Shortness of breath, especially with activity. Dry cough.

What to do if you inhale concrete dust?

If you inhale cement dust, move away from it and seek fresh air immediately. Upon contact with cement, remove contaminated clothing right away. If cement is on your skin or eyes, rinse it off immediately with cool or room temperature water for at least 15 minutes.

How do you get concrete dust out of the air? Using air purifiers and scrubbers for construction dust

Air-cleaning machines such as air purifiers, air scrubbers and blowers are designed to draw in construction dust from the air surrounding these devices and remove them from the area, leaving only fresh, clean air in the area.

  • How do you clear your lungs after breathing in dust?
    • Lung Cleansing Techniques
      1. Do Steam Therapy. Breathe in, breathe out.
      2. Drink Green Tea. Cleaning your lungs may be as simple as sipping hot tea—green tea, specifically.
      3. Invest in an Air Purifier. One way to clean your lungs is to first clean the air you breathe.
      4. Exercise Regularly.
      5. Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods.
  • How hazardous is concrete dust?
    • Hazard: Exposure to cement dust can irritate eyes, nose, throat and the upper respiratory system. Skin contact may result in moderate irritation to thickening/cracking of skin to severe skin damage from chemical burns. Silica exposure can lead to lung injuries including silicosis and lung cancer.

  • What are the respiratory diseases in construction sites?
    • Construction activities and materials expose workers to harmful hazards such as dust, silica, fumes, asbestos and these hazards are associated with a range of health problems ranging from mild respiratory symptoms to severe ones such as respiratory cancers and silicosis.

  • What diseases can you get from a construction site?
    • The most prevalent diseases in construction are asbestos-related diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, lung cancer and silicosis.

  • What disease can you get from construction dust?
    • Regularly breathing construction dust can cause diseases like lung cancer, asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and silicosis.

  • What are respiratory risks on site?
    • Hazards on site. Respiratory diseases can be caused by breathing in hazardous materials during a range of construction activities, such as block cutting, stonemasonry, demolition, chasing out mortar before repointing, tunnelling, and surface grinding. Dust and small particles can damage the lungs if breathed in.

  • Why do they put black plastic around construction sites?
    • A silt fence, sometimes (misleadingly) called a "filter fence," is a temporary sediment control device used on construction sites to protect water quality in nearby streams, rivers, lakes and seas from sediment (loose soil) in stormwater runoff.

  • What is the black fabric used in construction?
    • Black Polypropylene Woven Stabilization Fabric is specially designed to hold soil in place. This heavy-duty landscape fabric helps keep layers separate, it prevents sagging and uneven patio, driveway and walkway surfaces. It can also be used under RipRap, Gabions or precast block.

  • What is the black construction barrier called?
    • Super silt fence

      Some government jurisdictions in the United States recommend or require the use of a reinforced fence, sometimes called a "super" silt fence or an enhanced silt fence, on some construction sites. This design uses filter fabric reinforced by a wire mesh or chain link fence.

  • What is the black fence around construction sites?
    • Yes, it could be all of those things. However, the black fence, commonly know as Silt Fence, actually is an environmental precaution. The fence is one type of erosion control that serves as a temporary sediment control device to preserve the clarity of nearby bodies of water.

  • What is black cambric?
    • Product Description. Pellon-Cambric Fabric For Upholstery: Black. High quality upholstery dust cover fabric. Use under upholstered furniture to conceal webbing and springs. Protects against dust on underside of furniture and gives furniture a finished look.

  • What is the white powder used in construction?
    • Whiting chalk powder is also called chalk powder.

      Whiting Chalk Powder is manufactured using naturally occurring calcium carbonate (CaCO3). It is obtained in an amorphous form where the calcite exists in a crystalline form.

  • What is the white powder on construction sites?
    • silica dust – created when working on silicacontaining materials like concrete, mortar and sandstone (also known as respirable crystalline silica or RCS);

  • What is the white powder before concrete?
    • Efflorescence is the white powdery substance often seen on the surface of concrete or brick. Efflorescence is caused by water vapor migrating through the slab bringing soluble salts to the surface of the concrete. Many people mistake the white powdery substance with mold or mildew.

  • What is the white powder they put on concrete?
    • WHAT IS EFFLORESCENCE? Efflorescence is the white powdery substance on the surfaces of unsealed concrete and the white blush seen with sealed floors. Efflorescence is caused by vapor migrating through the slab bringing soluble salts to the surface of the concrete.

  • What is white powder on walls?
    • Efflorescence is the white powdery substance formed on the wall surface due to water seeping into the exterior wall.

  • How can you protect yourself from construction dust?
    • Share this story
      1. Floor Protection.
      2. Hardwood floors. It costs $2 to $3 per square foot to sand and refinish floors, so protecting them during construction is a wise investment.
      3. Carpeting.
      4. Dust Containment.
      5. Doorways.
      6. Depressurize the room.
      7. Adjust HVAC system.
      8. Work outside.
  • How do you get rid of construction dust in the air?
    • Though it can be helpful to open up windows and air the place out, when it comes to getting rid of construction dust and fumes in the air, an air purifier is the most effective solution.

  • How far does construction dust travel?
    • Research has shown that these particles can degrade air quality as far as 750 meters away, leading to a variety of serious health problems, particularly in children and other vulnerable populations.

  • How do I report construction in NYC?
    • Construction Worksite Incident Report
      1. Agency: Department of Buildings.
      2. Division: Work Site Incident Hotline.
      3. Phone Number: (212) 602-0431.
      4. Business Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week.
  • How do I report a landlord in NYC?
    • While awaiting action on your rent reduction, call the New York City Citizen Service Center at 311 (TTY 212-504-4115) to reach the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) Central Complaint Bureau, write by certified mail, return receipt requested, or online at www1.nyc.gov/311.

  • How do I report an unsafe construction site in NYC?
    • Construction Worksite Incident Report
      • Agency: Department of Buildings.
      • Division: Work Site Incident Hotline.
      • Phone Number: (212) 602-0431.
      • Business Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week.
  • What number do I call to complain about a building in NYC?
    • After you file a complaint by calling 311 or using 311ONLINE, you will be given a Service Request number. You can follow up on the status of your complaint using the Service Request number through 311ONLINE.

  • How do I report unsanitary conditions in NYC?
    • Calling 311 or TTY (212) 504-4115. Using 311ONLINE or 311MOBILE.

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